PUP Day 56

 Participatory socialism continues with discussions of social lottery for seats in higher education to ensure generous mix. And greater funding to equalise primary and secondary education.

Then towards equality in democracy through public funding via vouchers towards elections. Piketty discusses the conflict between the free flow of goods and services vs national sovreignty and boundaries. 

Might be able to finish the book tomorrow morning. 


PUP Day 55

 Piketty discusses the need for transparency of wealth so that progressive taxation can be effective. Carbon taxing and co-management of companies is suggested. The temporary ownership of wealth that leads to return of accumulated wealth to the larger society via higher taxes is the main principle. 

Opacity of spending in education is also tackled. Disproportionate state spending on higher education keeps the early drop outs at total disadvantage. Distribution of resources for education must be led by the effort to tackle inequality. 


PUP Day 54

 Skipped yesterday. Started the last chapter on Participatory Socialism which is essentially Piketty's suggested way forward for societies. He suggests things like education, healthcare and other fundamental aspects of life to be collectively owned with democratic access to all. One of the things he hasn't considered as a major factor in the nativist identitarian politics of recent times is the rise of social media and its polarising effect. 

Progressive taxing framework is also given on wealth as well on top of income and inheritance. 


PUP Day 53

 Finished the chapter with the discussion on Brazil and the uselessness of the catch-all term Populism. Illustrative how classist and nativist cleavages have local variations that affect national level in India and Brazil.

Now the final chapter on Participatory Socialism. 


PUP Day 52

 Moved on from Europe and Piketty's suggestions for European Parliamentary Union as a sub unit to start with, to the wonderful case study of India. Very informative voter cleavages after 1970s and the current vote share among socioeconomic segments for BJP. In the 2019, BJP has managed to gain more among the lower income and wealth class and personal appeal of Modi is a very important factor.

With 950 pages crossed, hoping to finish this week itself. It was a consistent project that last close to two months. 


PUP Day 51

 Long elaborate discussion on democratising European Union. Not of much interest.


PUP Day 50

 The long chapter on Social Nativism starts with a recap. The disadvantaged classes feeling abandoned by the social democratic parties get exploited by the anti immigration rhetoric. Interesting case of Poland and its post communist turn around to join EU in which the social democrats became unbridled capitalists.

50th day of reading. Hopefully will finish the book in another 10 days. 


PUP Day 49

 Continued the chapter on USA voter attitude change. Next UK analysed. Astonishing the similarities and changes. Reagan and Thatcher and how Labour became new Labour. The Brexit vote! 

Started the long chapter on Social Nativism. First France, US and UK will be examined followed by India. 


PUP Day 48

 Fascinating and fast paced account of the total flip of American political parties. Democratic party going from slave owners to the voice of minorities and Republicans flipping the other way from 1950 to 2010. Incredible parallel with the French change with the Brahmin left and Merchant right visible in USA as well. Interesting bits about Kennedy, Nixon and Reagan and their subtle hints towards race. 2020 will be a great election to watch. 


PUP Day 47

 Started Chapter 15. The final segment of the book.

Chapter 14 last section brilliantly laid out the the two new axes that can be used to split the electorate into four quadrants. One axes goes from egalitarianism to inegalitarianism. The other one goes from complete internationalisation with global liberalism at one end to severe nativism and anti immigration at the other end. The social nativist groups are now facing of the new bourgeoise who are the combined team of Brahmin left and the merchant right who are inegalitarian and liberal.

Chapter 15 will examine the cases of UK and USA before moving onto Brazil and India.

Immigration and religious patronage from ownership class should be used to study Indian history as well.


PUP Day 46

 Discussion on the religion and immigration based voting. How in France the Muslims vote for the left despite the stand on gay marriages because the far right is against immigration.

Immigration is not addressed in our historical studies. It will be particularly significant in Indian history with the kind of religious diversity and the numerous small kingdoms that flourished here. 


PUP Day 45

 Reading through the discussion about the modern day Brahmin Left and the Merchant Right. It is a model that makes a lot of sense in the Indian and Kerala context also. Piketty anticipates a fusion between these as the educated becomes wealthier, but then he also foresees the chance that many educated might opt for lower income government jobs than private wealth creation. Either way, the lower sections will soon realise that democracy is not going to do much to alleviate the inequality. Thus revolution or authoritarian transformation looks quite possible. Piketty's suggestion is participatory socialism or social federalism to avoid such a tumult. 

People have always coexisted in hierarchy. More than inequality, it is unfairness that creates disturbance and leads to revolt. It is when the undeserving appear to be looting the society, that the fabric breaks apart. And it is difficult to maintain the semblance of fairness for long through ideology or political shams. 


PUP Day 44

 More analysis of the shift of the left parties from the disadvantaged class to the educated class. Interesting points about the rise in education but sustained inequality in higher education. There might be some effect of anti immigration and social nativism on the shift to the right of the lowest strata of income and wealth, but education seems to be prime mover. Can online education change it?


PUP Day 43

 Great segment on the transformation of electoral cleavage after 1980s. How the left became the party of the educated from the party of the underprivileged. Lot of data to showcase this in US, UK and France. Data on India and Brazil in a later section.


PUP Day 42

 Started Part 4. 

Good analysis about how the allegiance of voters have shifted between parties in almost all countries. Votes are stratified in terms of wealth, education and income. Their support has swing to opposite parties since the 1980s.